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Panel “A Development Vision for Sarajevo Canton” 14.4.2023

The Institute for Development and European Integration (IREI) is pleased to invite you to the panel discussion “A Development Vision for Sarajevo Canton”, which will be held on Friday, April 14, starting at 2 pm, in the Bosnian Cultural Center. The aim of the panel is to open a discussion on the outlook and directions of the Canton’s development, good practice, new ideas, as well as detecting problems and finding new solutions.

The main speaker at the panel will be Nihad Uk, Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton, along with panelists Dina Mustafić (Sarajevo National Theatre), Aida Daguda (Director, CPCD), and Garrett Patrick Kelly (Coordinator Sarajevo Net Zero Mission).

The idea of the event is to initiate a wider social debate and enable an open dialogue between decision makers, leading experts, employees, as well as civil society, the academic community, the international community, and the citizens themselves.

Please confirm your participation by signing up at the link by April 13, 2023.


13:30 – Press Statements

14:00 – Opening remarks

  • Randall Puljek Shank, program director, IREI
  • Jasmin Duraković, director of the Bosnian Cultural Center

14:15 – Panel discussion “A Development Vision for Sarajevo Canton”, panelists;

  • Nihad Uk, Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton
  • Dino Mustafić, director of the National Theatre, Sarajevo
  • Aida Daguda, director, Center for the Promotion of Civil Society, Sarajevo
  • Garret Patrick Kelly, coordinator Sarajevo Net Zero Mission

15:15 – Q&A session

15:30 – Refreshments