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Bosnia and Herzegovina Achieves Historic Milestone: A Step Towards EU Membership

March 21st marks an historic day for Bosnia and Herzegovina as it secures the long-awaited status of opening negotiations for European Union membership. This milestone not only signifies a symbolic victory, but also marks the end of being the last gray area in Europe without this status. Beyond symbolism, this decision promises access to new resources and a seat at the table in European processes, bringing a sense of inclusion and empowerment to the country.

The achievement owes much to the concerted efforts of civil society, exemplified by the initiative led by IREI and CPCD. By rallying 118 non-governmental organizations to sign a declaration presented to authorities and EU embassies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, civil society played a crucial role in shaping this decision. This declaration, serving as a testament to the collective voice of citizens, undoubtedly influenced policymakers and propelled the process forward.

While today marks a significant triumph, it also heralds the beginning of a new chapter filled with challenges and opportunities. As Bosnia and Herzegovina embarks on negotiations, the role of the non-governmental sector becomes paramount. Strengthening expertise and asserting influence in negotiations will be essential for ensuring that the voices of citizens are heard and that the path to EU membership remains steadfast. This momentous occasion underscores the commitment of organizations like IREI to realizing Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European future, shaping a narrative of progress and unity for generations to come.